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Publishing Policy

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Publishing Process

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Publishing Terms & Conditions
Description Of Service

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Peer Review of Articles: Each article is peer-reviewed by our publication team for checking the writing quality, novelty identification and formatting guidelines. Once the article is passed on the peer review before or after submissions, it is further considered for the journal publication process. In case of any issues in the paper, we guide the author to modify the article to the quality level required by the journal to process further.

Journal Recommendations: We recommend suitable journals based on an index, impact factor, scope, and access for communicating the articles. We share the list of suitable journals for publication, so the author can choose the journals from the list.

Editing & Formatting: After the selection of journals, we format the article as per the journal norms and prepared it for the submission process.

Journal Submissions: Based on the selected journals, the submission process will be done and sent the screenshot of the submission status along with login credentials to the author for final confirmation.

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Refund Policy: The refund policy will not be applicable if the total work is completed, if any queries regarding your work, we took the right to make efforts to complete the work to the ultimate level. In case of a refund of any service, the client should request the refund policy before 24hours from the time of work registration and the client can claim a 100% refund on his/her services registered. Exceeding the time, the refund policy will not be applicable, as we incurred our manpower, technology, and other resources covered on the total payment will not change as per the state of mind. The refund policy will not be applicable once a service is confirmed from the client/change of service after registration or completion, however, we are commencing to complete the selected service at any cost once it is processed and will not change until the additional fee is charged for services.

Refund Policy Terms: The payments we take for utilizing manpower and resources to publish the articles in journals, however, if the client withdraws the publications at any interval, no refund will be applicable and we are providing 24 hours after registration to claim a 100% refund before any work starts. After the time extends and once, we utilize our manpower and resources to initiate the work, the refund policy will not be applicable.

Author Responsibilities: An author taking our publication support should be responsible for his/her article submitted to us. If an article is rejected in submitted journals to poor quality with no sufficient findings on it, the author should take the responsibility to modify it at any cost. We guaranteed that the article is of good quality and will be published at the assured time we guaranteed. If an author fails to respond to our emails or updates on his/her paper, our company is not responsible. We are taking responsibility for publishing your article with having good quality factor, after our peer review, we intimate the author about the quality of his/her article. The author should take necessary actions to get modified at his/her risk. If an author fails to do that and the time exceeds on publication, our company is not responsible for that. We will support on resubmission of the article after the modification is done by the author, the time depends on the author's response after receiving our emails. We kindly request the author to check emails periodically for any updates received on his inbox/spam folder. If an author does not respond for more than a month his work will be kept on hold and if the time exceeds after we close his/her publication work from the list and no refund will be applicable for those authors.

Assurance of Publications: For every publication, we schedule the total time period of getting acceptance which will depends only on the article quality and we will find suitable journals which are under the index of high reputed international journals demanded by the author. Initially, we sent a list of journals to the author to confirm it. Based on the author's preference and confirmation, the journal list is used for submitting the articles. Most of the journals are reputed, so we are intimating the author to send us a very good quality paper they prepared for publication, if the journal is often rejected based on paper quality or any issue, we informed the author to make necessary modifications as per the rejection comments sent by the journal.

Policy & Work Termination: We support publication services for author to publish their independent articles, so we seek a good response from the author to make the necessary changes asked by the submitted/rejected journals. If the author responds to those comments and modifies the article on time we mentioned during the publication process, we took our maximum effort to get publish it. We took only quality articles from clients for publishing and the article are peer screened and reviewed for finding quality issues before any journal submission. We won’t take any responsibility for journal rejection due to novelty issues, plagiarism issues, copied content, irrelevant content, poor article quality factors and other issues pointed out by the journal for his/her article sent for publication. When the article got rejected, it is the responsibility of the author to solve the issues on the article and get our resubmission support for the further publication process. If the author not responded to his article publication services for more than 20 days or the particular time demanded, his/her publication support services will be closed permanently without any further notice.

Note: Every process are priorly informed and get confirmed through emails/phone from the author. Articles are prepared and sent to us by the author, so any issues regarding the article rejection, it is the responsibility of the particular author. Every article should pass the peer-review conducted by us. High indexed journals seek high-quality articles.

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